Monday, November 24, 2003

My Week (What an Original Title)

Classes are winding down, as there are only a few sessions left before exams.

On Wednesday, my Trial Practice class began earlier, as there were two full trials to cover over the course of the session. Needless to say, I was exhausted by the end.

I was finally able to choose my classes for the coming semester at 1:00 on Thursday. It was a really late time slot, but I was able to take the most important classes I was interested in. However, I did get a little frantic after I had gotten the first few classes and needed to round out my schedule. Fortunately, I was able to put together a workable schedule eventually. I think that next semester will be a bit more rigorous than this one, especially since one of my professors is known for giving out copious amounts of reading. I don't think that this is necessarily a bad thing; if I know that I absolutely <i>can't</I> slack, I tend to be more motivated to do my reading as quickly as possible without rationalizing or procrastinating.

On Friday, I visited Chrissie at the editing lab before going over to see Natasha. She worked on a musical arrangement for Chrissie's film, which I recorded on my computer and later put on a CD.

After a late start on Saturday, I drove out to Santa Monica and did a decent amount of reading becore meeting Chrissie and Laura. We had a bite to eat and wandered around the Promenade before going to a screening of <i>Love Actually</I>.

Today, I was able to drive over to Santa Monica and get some more reading done. All in all, this has been a pretty productive weekend, and I'm hoping to keep it up for the rest of the week.

Monday, November 17, 2003

A Visitor

Today's Corporations class was held in the cafeteria, which made the session slightly odd, since all the students were clustered around tables and the professor had to compete with the sounds of the air conditioning.

After class, I talked to my teacher and have more or less resolved a frustrating situation. Basically, my partners on a not-for-credit project were a bit unreliable; one, who was 'in charge', was flaky, and the other was overly concerned about picking a fight with her friend, so, even though partner #1 wouldn't respond to my emails and managed to avoid me, she didn't step in until rather late in the game. The professor said that it would be too late to get any work done on the project, so I sent an email to my teammates telling them this. At least I was able to explain that I did everything I could to work on the project, and I know that this isn't going to have an impact on my grade, but it's always frustrating when a partner isn't willing to follow through with the most basic responsibilities.

After class, I tried out for the trial team. Basically, I had to give five minutes of an opening statement. The time went by pretty quickly, and I felt fairly confident about the case itself, but I'll have to see how it goes.

Next, I went to the auditorium for a dedication at which Justice Scalia was present. Although Scalia isn't exactly my favorite justice, it's naturally exciting to have a member of the Supreme Court at the school. There were a few speeches during the dedication, including a speech by Scalia in which he gave some general advice to students and professors. I decided to opt out of a later speech he gave on behalf of a new "Center for Law, Ethics, and Religion", and spent much of my afternoon working on case summaries instead.

Sunday, November 16, 2003

[Insert Witty Title Here]

I had my trial on Wednesday. I think it went well; I got a few compliments at the end, and I think that the powerpoint elements worked rather well. I'm glad that I got done with it early as well. Since I was in the first group, I don't have any work to do for the next few weeks' sessions in the class (aside from watching others' trials), and this will allow me to focus more on my other classes.

On Friday, I met with a professor to discuss my NAALJ paper; I will probably be discussing the paper with him more once I've made more progress and have my argument fully put together. I also took a look at the classes that were being offered next semester. I'm one of the last people who can sign up, so I'm just hoping that the classes I want won't fill up too quickly.

Later that day, I drove by to see Chrissie. I was only there for a short time, but I got to see the final version of her last movie as well as some other videos. Later, I visited Natasha; we went to the movies and drove around a bit before I headed back home.

Tuesday, November 11, 2003

Entertainment Law Tournaments, Presentations, and More

This weekend was the Entertainment Law Moot Court Tournament, which is hosted by our school; since I'm a member of the Moot Court Board, I was partially responsible for keeping the tournament running smoothly. I wasn't able to attend Friday's rounds because of my interview, but I was around for Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday, my dad came over to judge one of the quarterfinal rounds, and we had ice cream after the round was over. The tournament went well, and everyone seemed to be happy with how it went.

Today, I met with my partner for Wednesday's trial. We didn't do much today, but we tested the projector (I will be including some powerpoint elements) and went over a few points. Hopefully, we'll be able to pull everything together tomorrow.

Friday, November 7, 2003

And It's Finally the Weekend...

I have been pretty busy this week.

On Monday, I went out to lunch with a couple of friends from school. We haven't gotten the chance to see each other very often, so it was good to have the chance to reminisce a bit. Later, I drove over to USC and saw some of the work that Chrissie had done on her latest movie.

My watch band broke on Tuesday; it's frustrating to not have a watch on, especially since I'm so used to wearing it all the time. Hopefully, I'll be able to fix the problem soon.

After my Thursday classes, I had a meeting with my student articles editor regarding my outline. I'm on the right track at this point, so the meeting was pretty quick and painless. Later, I drove to the nearest dealership to get a few repairs done on the car. I was also able to rent a car for Friday's interview. Once things had been taken care of, I went to Natasha's to prep her for her witness role. Unfortunately, there were some communication errors and she won't be able to make it to the class on time. I've made some efforts to recruit people, but I haven't found anyone who can go without changing their schedule.

I spent most of today in the car, as I made the trek to and from Indio for my follow-up interview. I think the interview went fairly well, but it's always hard to tell. The trip itself was an ordeal, partially because of misleading internet directions and partially because of the sheer length of the trip. My back was definitely in pain once I got back (at around 7:00).

Sunday, November 2, 2003

Halloween Etc.

After my classes on Halloween, I spent part on the day working on case summaries. Later, I got a call from Natasha and met up with her.

We had planned on going to Knott's 'Scary' Farm, but we later decided against it due to rain and traffic problems. Because of the California fires, I was unable to drive back home to pick up my old costume, so I just put on my suit and went as a 'lawyer'. After I fought my way through the holiday traffic, I finally made it to Natasha's. We went out to eat before attempting to trick-or-treat (despite the fact that we're a bit old for trick-or-treating). We got back and watched Rear Window, which we had rented earlier. By the time the movie was over, it was pretty late, so I ended up staying over there for the night.

The weekend went pretty quickly; it was uneventful, although I have mostly done the outline for my journal article. I'm hoping to finish it up sometime tomorrow. Although I was intimidated for much of the weekend, I finally was able to put my mind to the task and make enough progress on the project.