Monday, November 17, 2003

A Visitor

Today's Corporations class was held in the cafeteria, which made the session slightly odd, since all the students were clustered around tables and the professor had to compete with the sounds of the air conditioning.

After class, I talked to my teacher and have more or less resolved a frustrating situation. Basically, my partners on a not-for-credit project were a bit unreliable; one, who was 'in charge', was flaky, and the other was overly concerned about picking a fight with her friend, so, even though partner #1 wouldn't respond to my emails and managed to avoid me, she didn't step in until rather late in the game. The professor said that it would be too late to get any work done on the project, so I sent an email to my teammates telling them this. At least I was able to explain that I did everything I could to work on the project, and I know that this isn't going to have an impact on my grade, but it's always frustrating when a partner isn't willing to follow through with the most basic responsibilities.

After class, I tried out for the trial team. Basically, I had to give five minutes of an opening statement. The time went by pretty quickly, and I felt fairly confident about the case itself, but I'll have to see how it goes.

Next, I went to the auditorium for a dedication at which Justice Scalia was present. Although Scalia isn't exactly my favorite justice, it's naturally exciting to have a member of the Supreme Court at the school. There were a few speeches during the dedication, including a speech by Scalia in which he gave some general advice to students and professors. I decided to opt out of a later speech he gave on behalf of a new "Center for Law, Ethics, and Religion", and spent much of my afternoon working on case summaries instead.

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