Tuesday, June 11, 2002

As Brevity is the Soul of Wit...

... and because I am pressed for time, I shall try to be brief.

On Saturday, I went with Chrissie, her friend Emily, and my dad to the Renaissance Faire. It was fairly enjoyable; though my family had gone to the Ren Faire before, we had never seen the actual jousting before, and that was fun. It was a bit hot and dusty, as could be expected, and at times I felt like I was more 'tagging along' than actively participating. Nonetheless, I had a fun time.

On Sunday, my dad took me to the Pepperdine and Southwestern law schools. I don't particularly want to go to either place, and the trip was sort of useless as not much was going on during a Sunday in June. Oh well... at least it made him think he was doing something. It was also cute when he went to the Pepperdine library and pointed out his 'most famous' case in a law book; I don't get to see my dad get all excited and beam about something very often.

This evening, I went to a graduation party for Chrissie's friend (she knows the family pretty well, but is primarily friends with Chrissie) Jordana. I saw a few familiar faces, including my high school debate coach, who I hadn't seen in ages. It was low-key, which was nice.

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