Sunday, October 5, 2003

Since I Last Posted (Yes, I Am Original)

I discovered that I have many more case summaries to do than I originally thought; due to a communications error (the prof. was sending emails to my deserted school email address, which I didn't know to check), I hadn't received the last few batches. Naturally, I did a couple batches as soon as I could so that I could start to catch up.

I also have an idea for the piece I'll eventually be writing for the NAALJ journal, which I approached my professor with. I've done a little preliminary research, just to make sure that there was some case law on the subject, and it looks like there's enough to make an interesting paper. I'm probably going to write about art in the administrative law context, and the issues that come up with NEA grants. I think that there's an interesting conflict, since art is inherently subjective and would seem difficult to regulate, and the topic brings up some issues that are unusual in the administrative law context, mainly First Amendment rights. I have to turn my topic in on Monday, so hopefully it will be well-received.

I had to give an opening statement for Trial Practice on Wednesday. I don't feel that great about it, though I don't feel absolutely horrible. I think I had a few problems because the person I was 'representing' was fairly reprehensible, even without considering the allegations.

On Saturday, Chrissie drove over to pick me up so we could go 'location scouting' around Santa Monica for her next student film; basically, that consisted of taking pictures of areas near the pier on her digital camera. Eventually, we drove back, ate lunch, and hung out a bit before she had to leave.

It has been awfully dead around here. Well, it's been dead around the apartment itself at least; the neighbors have been loud (and I thought they were starting getting better). Both my roommates are gone on the weekends, so it's sort of lonely. The immediate area is sort of isolated as well; everything aside from the law school and the housing complex itself is downhill and inconvenient unless you're driving, which makes it hard to take a leisurely walk around.

I wanted to do some studying at the local market area, but the area was too crowded because of a 'Pie Festival'. After driving around a bit, I went back to my room.

I'm trying to make a conscious effort to stop drinking tea after 7:00, since drinking it late at night obviously not good if I want to set a better schedule for myself. I'd also like to try and find more comfortable places to study. I don't really like the library, but I have been feeling a bit distracted around the apartment. I might try coffee shops, but the places I like the most don't have much seating.

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