Monday, September 29, 2003

Sunday Night

On Saturday, I got to see Robin, one of my roommates from last year. We met in Santa Monica; I was running late, but she was also late, so nobody was really inconvenienced. We spent the next couple of hours reminiscing and looking through the photo album of my UK trip. I also met her new boyfriend, who came a little bit later than she did.

I was able to do some cleaning up around the house. While such things are never fun, it needed to be done, and it's nice to have things in order, at least for a while. I finally organized all of my school papers in a single envelope, and I was able to borrow the vacuum from the RA.
Apartment Photos
The living room and kitchen:

The door to my room:

My room:

One of the rooms in the apartment is unoccupied, and I am thinking of using it as a study instead of letting it collect dust. The only problem is that the room is obviously pretty Spartan at this point, and I don't really want to spend too much money sprucing it up. Does anyone have any suggestions?

I have an on-campus interview tomorrow with the Riverside DA's office, so hopefully I will do well. Wish me luck!

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