Monday, September 8, 2003

Weekend and Birthday Wishes

I've been too busy and lazy lately to update lately. This weekend has been fairly hectic, so I haven't gotten as much done as I'd like, but that's not really anything new.

On Friday, I went home where I saw Chrissie, Matt, and the twins (who wanted to come over and swim since they weren't able to go swimming on Labor Day). After hanging out there for a while, and getting a little bit of a sunburn despite my attempts to protect myself with suntan lotion, I went to USC to see the first official screening of Speed Deal, a 13 minute graduate student film which she worked as PA on. Once the screening was finished, we (me, Chrissie, and her friend Laura) stuck around for part of the afterparty before going back to her room to partake of the ice cream birthday cake I had gotten for Chrissie. Since I was pretty exhausted by this point, I left Chrissie and drove home.

Tonight, I went to Chrissie's birthday dinner (her birthday is actually on Monday) at C&O in Venice. The group mostly consisted of USC students; there were ten guests including me. I think everyone had a fun time, though we were seated outside and got a bit chilled by the frigid California weather.

Anyway, happy 20th, Chrissie!

Random News Tidbits:
Simon and Garfunkel Poised for Concert Tour - Yay!
The Justices' Night at the Opera - Three Supreme Court justices take bit roles in a DC production of Die Fledermaus

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