Friday, September 12, 2003

The Ballad of the Thrift Store Umbrella

Yesterday, I had to give my first closing statement for my Trial Practice class; I did alright, though I shouldn't have been as nervous as I was. If nothing else, I think I knew what I was talking about, and my argment was well-structured. I also got a few compliments on my new suit, which was nice.

I'm getting a little bit nervous about interviews. It seems like they're at the front of people's minds, and I worry that I don't have enough prospects at the present time. Hopefully, I'll be able to edit my resume to reflect my NAALJ and research assistant credentials this weekend.

This afternoon, I turned in my subcheck for the NAALJ journal; basically, I had to edit two to three pages in addition to checking the cited sources. Of course, the internet died as I was doing my last-minute checking, so I went from my room to the school computer lab. Naturally, the internet problem was campus-wide. At least it got back up, giving me just enough time to finish the subcheck. My internet access is still erratic, but at least it's better than it was earlier.

Later in the evening, my sister came over so that we could work on a few props and items for her next short film. These included several faux news articles and a book cover (the short is a comedy, which explains the absurdist title). It was fun to do some work in Photoshop, and I think that a lot of the articles came out pretty well. I'll have to wait and see how much detail appears in the finished film.

Anyway, I think it's time for bed.

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