Monday, September 1, 2003

My Stint as an Actress

I got to Chrissie's at around 9:30 last night. After a little dawdling, we picked up Matt, went to dinner, and saw a midnight showing of American Splendor. We dropped Matt off, got the camera equipment from one of Chrissie's classmates, and went to sleep.

Chrissie wanted to start out with a few morning shots, so we got up early. Because I had spent the night, there wasn't a problem with me getting there on time; however, there were a few problems because it made it that much harder for Chrissie to get the bedroom set up for the early shots. Finally, we took the first series of shots, in which I got out of bed and got ready to leave.

We later drove over to pick up Matt before heading to our second location: Balboa Park. These scenes were more complicated, and consisted of me jogging around and Matt following me. Blocking it was a bit difficult, especially since Chrissie had to keep the light levels in mind, but eventually things fell into place. We finished at around 2:00, and went out to a late lunch afterwards.

This was Chrissie's first movie for her class, and she wasn't allowed to use any sound or editing. I think the film turned out pretty well, though, and she did everything in her power to make it work. Congratulations, Chrissie!

I also got a bit of a sunburn from the time I spent in the park...

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