Tuesday, September 9, 2003

Specs, Suits, and Stuff

On Monday, I met with the professor I'm working as a research assistant for, and he likes what I've been doing with my case summaries thus far, which is naturally a good thing. Other than that, not much happened aside from the usual routine.

After class today, I drove over to Santa Monica in order to get some backup glasses; that way, I'm not so dependent on contact lenses all the time. While waiting for the glasses to be ready, I got some 'law clothing' to wear on interviews and at jobs. I think I'm in good shape, but I'd still like to get a pair of loafers or other flat shoes. The only nice shoes I have at the moment are boots, which wouldn't always work. Finally, I had dinner over on the Promenade before returning to my room.

I've been able to tidy up my room today, which is something I've needed to do for a while. Though, for obvious reasons, I try to keep common areas tidy, it's easy enough to neglect my own room when I have other things on my mind. Hopefully, I'll be able to borrow the RA's vacuum in a few days.

I also learned that I have an interview with the Riverside DA on the 29th.

I have spent much of the evening testing out the new glasses. They're a tiny bit more awkward than my contacts, but my eyes don't get as dry with them on.

Me with my glasses on:

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