Friday, April 19, 2002

In Other News...

I got a call from my sister yesterday - she has gotten admitted
to USC's Film school, in the Critical Studies department. She had originally been in the Theatre school, but had wanted to triple major (Theatre, Film, and Poly Sci), so this is great news for her. She is thinking of getting into the Production department later (they don't like people to apply until Sophomore year), but it's more important for her that she just has the film degree.

My family was planning on taking a trip to Disney World after my graduation, but plans are a bit up in the air now. My dad had just won a really big case, but the other side is appealing, so the money will be later in coming; dad is still okaying the trip, but my mom is more unsure about it. We'll have to see how it goes.

Now, back to my ramblings about our regularly scheduled person...

Well, the last couple of days have been lax, though I was able to get some Psych reading done this afternoon. I've mostly been having a fun time, playing on the computer and watching DVDs. I sort of 'discovered' the library's media room recently. Though it's more often than not reserved, it's a good place to watch DVDs, especially when compared to my laptop.

I've been feeling pretty 'up' lately; hopefully this good mood will continue for a while.

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