Saturday, April 27, 2002

Requiem Aeternam Dona Eis...

I woke up late (again) today and did some reading, though it was not was much as I would have liked. The book I had started with was unfortunately a bit dense, and that made it difficult for me to plow through my work. I'll try and spend most of tonight doing all the reading I need to do.

Tonight was the Chorale concert. Though I wasn't perfect, I'm happy with how I did; I was finally able to get a good sound without pushing or tiring out my voice. I enjoyed the performance a lot... going through an entire piece like the Mozart Requiem can be an exhilarating experience. I didn't realize it until the concert had finished, but the act of singing had really left me in an elated mood. Hopefully the good mood will help me to study.

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