Thursday, February 20, 2003

Almost There

Today started with a fun and exciting 'Citation Test' in Legal Research. It wasn't bad, but most people were pretty pressed for time. Fortunately, I was able to finish and skim it over, but every second counted. In any case, it only counts for 10% of our grades.

The microphone is working out pretty well and I have been able to get good mp3 files of lectures, though I'd ideally like to find a way to make the sound files louder. I'm hoping the recordings will prove useful later on.

After classes, I drove over to the oral surgeon for a follow-up appointment. While traffic was bad, and I wasn't able to use Malibu canyon, I was able to get to the appointment on time. It seems that I'm healing pretty well, which, of course, is a good thing.

I'm just glad I've got only one class before the weekend comes; after last weekend's surgery and recovery, I'd like to have a legitimate weekend.

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