Sunday, February 16, 2003

Dentex Sophiatem (Witness My Utter Lack of Latin Knowledge)

As expected, Chrissie came over on Thursday night. We had pizza and chatted before I finished up with the paper. Chrissie also wanted to make a mix CD as a Valentine's Day gift, so I helped her put one together on my computer.

Fortunately, my morning class ended early, so we weren't rushed on the way to the appointment. We actually ended up waiting quite a bit, since the person before us took longer than expected, and it almost got to the point where Chrissie would have had to leave and have mom pick me up in her place.

Though I was (surprisingly) not too nervous about the operation itself, but I was a bit apprehensive about being anesthetized because of some casebook horror stories. The doctors placed oxygen and heart monitors on me before giving me the shot. I was out after a few seconds, and the operation was over by the time I woke up. The oral surgeon walked me from the operating room to a bed before getting my sister. Though I was still a little woozy, and hardly able to talk because my lower lip and tongue were still numb, I was able to schedule a follow-up meeting. He also showed me the removed wisdom teeth; the two lower ones had to be separated during the operation, but the other two were whole. I was quickly carted out back, where my sister's car was waiting.

My sister drove me home, and, as could be expected, I have been bedridden for most of the weekend. Fortunately, my mom was around to take care of me, so I could concentrate my energies on getting enough rest. I have been slowly but surely healing, though my jaw still hurts a bit and my cheeks are pretty swollen. At least I'm in good enough shape that I won't have to miss classes. If nothing else, the worst is over with, and I won't have to worry about my wisdom teeth again.

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