Thursday, February 13, 2003

At the Finish Line

Wednesday was pleasant; our Criminal Procedure professor cancelled the afternoon class, so I was done by 9:00. I spent a lot of the day sitting in bed and reading while it rained, which was relaxing. I was also able to work with my roommate and a neighbor on a nongraded but mandatory 'discovery project' for class.

I still have my misgivings about my partner, but the situation is becoming a bit more manageable than it seemed to be earlier this week. I prepared a draft for Tuesday; it included all of the 'group portion' in addition to my own section. It's sort of annoying to do more work than is expected, but 'if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself', especially when working with someone who has shown himself to be unreliable. I went to the TA meeting later that afternoon, and he did show up (though he didn't have anything to present). We were able to speak after the meeting, and he seemed pretty confident that he could get his portion in on time and we could turn the paper in early. However, he didn't seem to be very contrite about my having to do all of the group portions.

We had our second and final meeting today. The TA was running a bit late, but he was late anyway, so it didn't make a difference; he came shortly after I began speaking to the TA. I think he must have been delayed (in part at least) because he was smoking; I noticed a faint smell of smoke when he came over to discuss his portion (yes, he finally wrote something). Anyway, I feel pretty confident about the sections I worked on, and he assured me that he would be done fairly early in the evening, so this ordeal should work out well enough.

Chrissie will be coming over tonight; she's staying over so she can take me to the appointment without having to get in traffic on the way to my place. It should be fun, and we may get to watch a movie or two if I'm not too swamped.

Anyway, I hope everyone has a happy Valentine's Day!

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