Thursday, February 6, 2003

That's the Tooth

In legal research, we had fake 'oral arguments,' in which four of the students were asked in advance to participate. It was pretty fun, and a good way to put the tired fact pattern we've been using since November to rest. I also learned that I would need to get a suit before everyone does their appellate oral arguments, which is sort of annoying.

After that, I had classes, though I did use the long break period to drive down to Santa Monica and do Property reading. Immediately after class, I drove over to my preliminary consultation with the oral surgeon (I am getting my wisdom teeth removed on the 14th) before coming back to my room. I'm going to need to be very organized in the next few days, since I don't want to fall behind and I know that I'll be out of it for at least a day or two.

Weird detail of the evening: As I was driving back home, I noticed a guy walking his... goat. That's certainly something you don't see everyday...

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