Wednesday, April 30, 2003

Curiouser and Curiouser

I took the car down to the dealership, but not much could be done unless I wanted to spend a ton of money replacing the carburetor; he replaced some fluids and took the car out for a drive, but nothing else could be done.

I was able to take a bit of a rest after the exam, looking up London-related things. I found the location of the school (only a few blocks away from Royal Albert Hall and the Victoria and Albert Museum) and my future living space (about a 15 minute walk to the school). It's interesting just to look at the map and figure out how everything fits together.

On the random side, I came across this page about a tacky 80's TV adaptation of Alice in Wonderland. Does anyone else remember this? I know that I had a tape of the movie as a kid, but I only vaguely remember bits and pieces of it. It's somewhat weird to see scenes from something like this after all this time.

Tuesday, April 29, 2003

Down To Work

It's been 'fun' getting all worked up about my car situation, but I have to buckle down and do some heavy studying for a while. I'm going to print out all my notes in a minute. Hopefully, I'll also be able to attend a review session, get a practice exam or two off of TWEN, and ingrain the concepts in my head by listening to the lecture recordings I've been making this semester.

One last bit of car news: I will probably be able to take the car in again tomorrow (it's under warranty), so hopefully I won't have to face any more fun PCH stalling.

Saturday, April 26, 2003

I Should Be In Bed By Now

I got my car back; they were able to repair the brakes and help solve the stalling problem, so the car is in better shape, even if it's still rusty and isn't fuel efficient. I also did some more studying, though it's annoying that I can't force myself to really get to work until it's late.

Over the past week or so, we've been looking into hotel bookings for the first week, and things are pretty much set.
Cherry Court Hotel - For the first day in London (the student houding won't be open until later); it's fairly close to the airport, so it'll be easier to make the early morning flight to Paris
Hôtel Sévigné - A Parisian hotel located in the Marais district
Priestville Guest House - A very cute-looking bed and breakfast in Edinburgh

Thursday, April 24, 2003

Long Time No Write

It's been a while, hasn't it?

Anyway, Saturday was my cousins' third birthday party. It was low-key and fun, and Thomas and James were pretty well-behaved. I stayed at my parents' home that night; my sister, Matt, and I dyed eggs for the next morning's Easter egg hunt (which I haven't done since high school, since I've spent recent Easters back east). We ended up getting to bed pretty late. After the egg hunt on Easter morning, we headed over to my grandparents'. We had originally planned to take separate cars, but parking was bad over there and we ended up going together, which meant that I couldn't leave early to work. I was pretty tired at the end of it, since the twins were a bit more active and hard to keep up with.

My last class ended on Tuesday, and I went out to dinner with a few classmates in order to celebrate. It was fun; I haven't done that much lately, so it was good to get out. This afternoon, I took my car in to get the brakes and stalling problem looked at. Fortunately, I was able to get a rental car, so I didn't have to worry about getting back as much. It was nice being in a car that ran smoothly for once. After doing some reading, I returned to my room and got a message from the dealer... the brakes were pretty far gone and they alone are going to cost $980. I have no idea how much the stalling problem will cost, assuming that I can get that fixed at all.

I felt angry and frustrated for much of the evening, but I was able to cool down a little by playing around with Illustrator.

Friday, April 18, 2003

Miscellaneous Events

I've been starting to prepare for the upcoming trip with Tiffany (my roommate for the summer); since we're arriving a week or so early, we'll be able to do some sightseeing before getting saddled with classes. Fortunately, we seem interested in the same types of things, so we'll both be able to see plenty of what we want without having to spend time on something that only one person finds interesting. Bookings should be made on Monday, but we've got some tentative plans, and found some hotels at a good value (including a very cute-looking bed and breakfast in Scotland). I also got an International Student ID card at a travel agency today; that should allow me to get some deals once I'm abroad.

Though I technically have classes next week, most of the professors ended the semester early in order to give us study time. I still have Property (only on Monday) and Torts, but otherwise I ought to get some time to study and prepare. I'm just in denial that it's all going to be over in a couple of weeks.

Tonight I was notified that I got on the Moot Court board for next year. I wasn't sure what the outcome would be, since I came into the interview cold (though most people don't really have time to prepare at this time of the year) and am not naturally talkative enough to cover for it. But I guess all's well that ends well.

I need to get my car's brakes fixed soon; I've notice the wheels have been sort of grinding when I've had to stop or slow down. I just don't know when I'll manage to turn it in, and I don't want to be carless for a period of time again.

Friday, April 11, 2003

I Can't Think Of A Good Title For The Life Of Me

After class on Thursday, I went to a student-organized get-together for people going to London. Unfortunately, it was organized by a different section and was almost exclusively attended by that section. Since they basically already had a rapport with each other, and because I didn't really have that much in common with them, it was pretty awkward and it left me in a bit of a bad mood.

Today was sort of relaxed, so I got to draw a little more. I'm hoping to get down to work during this weekend, though.

I forgot to mention it earlier, but I got my passport recently. The London trip is fast approaching; I'm simultaneously looking forward to it and in denial that it's coming so quickly. It should be fun, but I'll have to get ready soon.

Wednesday, April 9, 2003

Stir Crazy

The car finally got repaird late this afternoon, but I wasn't able to coerce anyone into dropping me off (largely because nobody wanted to brave rush hour traffic), and it was late enough that I couldn't just take the bus and risk getting there after the shop closed.

The lack of mobility has been getting to me a bit, particularly since Malibu isn't exactly pedestrian-friendly and the university itself is a bit isolated (not to mention that the law school it at the very top of the hill, about as far from anything as you can get). I'd like to be able to move around a bit without the use of a car, but in this area being car-less is tantamount to being stranded. Being stuck in a small area is naturally frustrating; I think it's made me distracted and made it harder for me to concentrate on my reading. Of course, I'm exaggerating a bit, since it's only been a few days, but it's still annoying.

After realizing that I wouldn't be getting the car today, I got fed up with things and decided to get away from the campus, even if it meant I had to walk. I went to the nearest coffee shop and back, which ended up taking 40 minutes each way. In addition, it's not the easiest trip in the world; I have to go uphill several times, and I have to walk over dirt and brush for a large part of it (since the good people of Malibu don't see a need to install sidewalks). It's a lot of effort for a cup of coffee (or rather a blended mocha), but I was really tired of being confined to the apartments and law school, and I hate the feeling of being confined and not having the ability to go anywhere.

Fortunately, my grandfather should be able to take me to get the car tomorrow, so this insanity will end soon. Or maybe I should just move away from LA and go somewhere where they have real public transportation...

Tuesday, April 8, 2003


I turned in my performance test Monday morning, so I am officially through with my Legal Research and Writing class!

I called the shop this afternoon, and they're running into some unexpected difficulties with the car; it should be ready Tuesday afternoon, but the repairs are going to cost me over $400. This car is really frustrating me, since it seems like I could have gotten a decent used car with the money I've spent repairing it. But it's not really my choice since I don't have the money or the means of getting it. I considered getting a loan, but both my parents thought it was unwise.

I'm starting to get worried about my externships; though I think most of the places I contacted haven't really started thinking about clerkships for the fall, I really have a very limited amount of time to interview and otherwise work things out before going overseas. If one of these doesn't fall through and I can't get experience, I'm really going to be handicapped when I try to get a paid job later on. The whold process is getting to be pretty frustrating; I've already spent over $100 (mostly at Kinko's and the post office) just to get the opportunity to work for free, even though I really would like to have some money of my own.

Sunday, April 6, 2003

Me Duelen Las Piernas

I checked my car into a repair place in Santa Monica on Friday; the only alternative in Malibu was a gas station, and I wanted to play it safe. However, nobody was able to pick me up, so I ended up walking and taking the bus back. It wasn't bad, since I don't mind taking a leisurely walk. If it weren't so inconvenient around here, I would definitely try it more often, since I find it easier to let my mind wander when I'm walking (rather than trying to control a deadly machine), and you can actually get reading or other work done when riding a bus or train, so transportation isn't as wasteful time-wise. Plus, it's nice to get exercise when you're doing something purposeful rather than forcing yourself to work out. The only unpleasant parts of the trip were the uphill walks (of all the locations, the law school has to be on the top of a hill). Once I got back, my legs were pretty sore, and I eventually had to take a nap, which threw me off a bit.

Today, I went to a symposium on asbestos litigation (our Torts professor had organized it, and thus offered our section a carrot in the form of a discretionary point). Some interesting points were made, but I think most students were distracted because of the performance test due on Monday. I was hoping to get the car after it was over (Chrissie was able to take me there this time), but there were delays and I won't be able to get it until Monday. At least I was able to draw a little bit.

Thursday, April 3, 2003

Sturm und Drang

Classes ended earlier than usual today, as my Contracts professor had to cancel. Soon after my final class for the day had ended, I quickly drove down to get some coffee. My car was really acting up; whenever it was slow or stopped, it would shake furiously. Of course, I was worried, so I decided to stay close to home. I made some followup calls regarding fall judicial externships and watched Hannah and her Sisters before getting down to tomorrow's (light) reading assignment. After doing some reading, I drove down to the supermarket for some much-needed groceries (fortunately, the car seemed to do slightly better at night).

I'm going to have to take the car in tomorrow. It seems like such a waste to pour money into a 20-year-old pile of junk, but I'm unable to get a loan and can't really dedicate myself to a steady job right now (I need to focus on getting legal experience, which means that I have to work for free). I just worry that this car won't last much longer; especially since I'm in LA, where it's nigh impossible to get around using public transportation, having such an unreliable and even potentially dangerous car really frustrates me.

Tuesday, April 1, 2003

Insomnia Strikes Again

So much for getting extra sleep. Oh well; at least I'm in good shape as far as my reading is concerned. I just wish I hadn't been so tempted to procrastinate. I reaaly need to get a strict schedule together, especially if I don't want to get too sick.

Time management is something I'll really have to concentrate on in the coming weeks; after all, I will be finished with exams and be out of the country in less than two months' time. It's just too easy to dally and pretend that everything that needs to be done is in the distant future, particularly when television, computers, DVDs, and the like are so tempting.

In other news, I found the following article while surfing the net. I just wonder whether the Paris-themed hotel in Las Vegas is facing similar problems...

Disney's Epcot Center puts 'France,' 'Germany' on hiatus
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By Michael Clark

April 1, 2003 | ORLANDO (AP) -- It may be a small world after all, but it will soon be even smaller at Disney's Epcot Center theme park.

After careful deliberation, executives at the Orlando theme park have decided to temporarily close the World Showcase pavilions dedicated to France and Germany, citing growing animosity toward the countries' anti-war stance. Says Judson C. Green, President of Walt Disney Attractions, "Disney has always prided itself on reflecting the character and sentiments of middle America. When the country is so united in its support of the war in Iraq and so furious with the actions of France and Germany, it seemed insensitive for us to keep France and Germany open." Financial concerns also played a part in the decision. Not only has overall park attendance declined as wartime anxiety has increased, but sales of French and German products in the pavilions have also decreased dramatically as anti- French and German sentiment has grown.

However, while France and Germany will probably remain closed throughout the duration of the war, there are no current plans to permanently close or overhaul the pavilions. "Disney has put a great deal of effort into all of its World Showcase pavilions, taking meticulous care to evoke the spirit of the countries represented, including France and Germany. We are therefore very reluctant to eliminate any pavilion unless we feel it is absolutely necessary," says Green.

Epcot Center, which has been touted as "Disney's version of a World's Fair," opened its gates in 1982. This is the first time that a pavilion has been closed for a prolonged period of time or for non-technical reasons.