Wednesday, April 9, 2003

Stir Crazy

The car finally got repaird late this afternoon, but I wasn't able to coerce anyone into dropping me off (largely because nobody wanted to brave rush hour traffic), and it was late enough that I couldn't just take the bus and risk getting there after the shop closed.

The lack of mobility has been getting to me a bit, particularly since Malibu isn't exactly pedestrian-friendly and the university itself is a bit isolated (not to mention that the law school it at the very top of the hill, about as far from anything as you can get). I'd like to be able to move around a bit without the use of a car, but in this area being car-less is tantamount to being stranded. Being stuck in a small area is naturally frustrating; I think it's made me distracted and made it harder for me to concentrate on my reading. Of course, I'm exaggerating a bit, since it's only been a few days, but it's still annoying.

After realizing that I wouldn't be getting the car today, I got fed up with things and decided to get away from the campus, even if it meant I had to walk. I went to the nearest coffee shop and back, which ended up taking 40 minutes each way. In addition, it's not the easiest trip in the world; I have to go uphill several times, and I have to walk over dirt and brush for a large part of it (since the good people of Malibu don't see a need to install sidewalks). It's a lot of effort for a cup of coffee (or rather a blended mocha), but I was really tired of being confined to the apartments and law school, and I hate the feeling of being confined and not having the ability to go anywhere.

Fortunately, my grandfather should be able to take me to get the car tomorrow, so this insanity will end soon. Or maybe I should just move away from LA and go somewhere where they have real public transportation...

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