Sunday, December 16, 2001

Parties and Stuff

Well, I finally finished my paper. The topic the professor gave was incredibly broad, encompassing the entire semester, so it's not surprising that my paper ended up being much longer than intended (nearly 2000 words rather than 1000). I played with the fonts, spacing, and margins a bit, and the paper magically shrunk from eight to five pages. I got on the Haverford bus to turn it in, and just missed the bus back. Fortunately, a student who was going that way saw me and offered to drive me to campus. When I got back, I was able to tidy up my room. It's nice to have my room not looking like a pig sty and I like being able to walk about my room without having to tiptoe around books and papers.

Later this evening, I went to the end of semester 'senior dinner'. Sadly, I hadn't been able to RSVP, since I rarely check my campus email and didn't know about it until the last minute; I had to be on the waiting list for a while. It was fun; the food was good and it was nice to chat with a bunch of friends.

Right now it's really loud in the hallways; a lot of people are partying and drinking, which is not fun if all you're doing is listening to it. I also found out why co-ed bathrooms can be a hassle, at least when there are several drunk guys around. Fortunately, I had learned something from previous experiences and bought earplugs; wearing them helps make the noise more bearable.

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