Saturday, December 1, 2001


I put off my homework until the last minute again; luckily it was easy enough that I could finish it fairly quickly. I then went to class and lunch, after which I relaxed a bit. At around 3, I met with the Yearbook editors and turned in some pictures. One of the editors liked some computer graphics stuff that I did for the book last year, so she asked me to do something similar for the color section. I was also able to turn in some photos; they particularly seemed to appreciate the Halloween photos I took.

Later that evening, I went over to meet some of my fellow history majors; we had previously arranged to meet as a group to go out to a bar. Unfortunately, only two other people showed up. However, they were people I knew pretty well and got along with, and we had a fun time gossiping and talking about our lives. It might have been harder to handle with a large group anyway. In any case, it was enjoyable and I'm glad I went.

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