Thursday, December 13, 2001

Wrapping Up

I spent some of my productive time today finishing up my Chaos paper (it's not due for a while, unlike the poster). When I was not procrastinating or working on that, I went to class. My presentation went pretty well; people seemed impressed that I would go to all the trouble of constructing the first 5 iterations of a Koch snowflake by hand.

Later that evening, I had my last Senior Seminar class for the semester. We didn't have a discussion; instead, the professor brought food and wine and we just sort of hung out and talked about, among other things, Main Line drivers, Xena: Warrior Princess, and another professor's (he came for the free food) Darien adventure movie project.

Tonight and tomorrow morning I will work on my 20th Century Russia paper. The problem is that the subject she gave is sort of vague, so I'll probably end up fudging it a bit.

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