Friday, May 3, 2002

Another Day, Another Dilemma

I got up on the late side (surprise, surprise) today. After slacking, I turned in some money for a hoops race hoop (a Bryn Mawr tradition, don't ask) and went to lunch.

Today, I read an article that was posted in the Campus Center which dealt with employment opportunities for my graduating class. This has been a pretty rough year because of 9/11 and the recession, and more people are 'waiting it out' by going to grad school rather than getting a job; as a result, law school applications went up 44% from last year, which is a huge jump. That helps me not get too depressed over my less-than-stellar track record (aside from wait-lists at UCLA and USC, I haven't gotten even mediocre news yet)... though I was a bit lazy on filling out the applications, it's not just me. In any case, it's useful to have that statistic to deflect personal criticism.

Later, I went to the Starbucks to get reading done. Of course, soon after I got myself situated, a 'loopy' couple (the same pair who I mentioned before) came in and sat right next to me. I tried to leave gracefully by offering my armchair to the woman, since there were only two and the guy took the other one, but to no avail. Since I didn't want to be rude and just move to another area of the room, I was pretty much stuck until I finished the chapter.

If I didn't know better, I would say they were a pair of performance artists, because they seem almost like characters from a play. It is hard to study with this middle-aged, disheveled, possibly homeless couple speaking loudly about such topics as pigeons and Labrador Retrievers. Not only that, but they tried to engage me in conversation even though I was clearly trying to read. It would be nice to not be polite once in a while.

Once I had finished the chapter, I moved to the only other nearby studying place, the Starbucks in the Barnes and Noble. Of course, that set me up for another 'fun' encounter with the infamous Barnes and Noble Guy, but at least he left me alone until I had finished studying. Sigh.

After that, I went to a fencing lesson; I had to make up a class from a day that I slept in. It was a bit uncomfortable since I didn't know anyone there; plus, I was a bit grouchy after the day's adventures. But I had some fun, even though I ended up sweaty and gross.

And that's my day.

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