Friday, May 10, 2002


I've been neglecting my journal for the past few days. I hope I can be forgiven for this egregious oversight.

Let's see... well, I didn't do much on Monday, though I did go to a rehearsal and workshop.

To my surprise, I woke up super-early on Tuesday; this allowed me to do some catchup work on my drama journal. At one in the afternoon, I had my senior exit interview, during which a professor (in my case it was a Biology prof.) asks you to give your opinions on the school. This took about an hour. A little later, my partner and I had a rehearsal with the drama professor; he seemed to think we are in good shape overall, so I was happy about that. When I got back to my room, I found a wasp on my mug; I hadn't left any windows open, so how it got in my room is a mystery. I am allergic, so I was especially antsy (yay for bug puns). Fortunately, I was able to get it out of there without much trouble. That evening, I did my take-home Psych final. I am glad I went to the review session last week, as she seemed to use the questions that were discussed there as the basis for many of the questions on the exam.

On Wednesday, I turned in the finished exam and took my laptop over to the Starbucks to write my art history paper. Even though public places such as these can be distracting, I think it may be easier to work there than the quiet and privacy of my room. I don't have the temptation to use the internet in the middle of writing, plus I don't have the familiar distractions of my room to keep my from working. I did about five pages before going back to my dorm, and another page when I got back.

Today, I returned to the Starbucks and completed the paper. Though the paper was supposed to be seven pages long, I ended up with an eleven page paper; I was able to change it to a nine page one by playing around with the fonts and spacing. And I didn't end up covering a significant part of what I was planning to write about, though I think the paper is more coherent without the added stuff anyways. Heh, I think that my thesis must have permanently changed my writing style so that I can only write long papers... but an overlong paper is better than one that's too short anyway. All things considered, it was a good 'last paper' (the drama journal stuff doesn't really seem as official in my mind). The research was interesting, though I could have done without the Freudian elements which the author put in at certain points. It was also nice writing at a leisurely pace, rather than a frantic, deadline-induced one.

I later got a call from dad, who is making me fill in a late application to Pepperdine's Law School, even though I seriously don't want to go there and would not attend if I were accepted (I told him as much). I'm ambivalent about the whole law thing in the first place, and I'm not dedicated enough to go to a school I don't care for to study the subject. Yes, I could transfer, but there is always the chance that I would end up spending the whole time there. He stubbornly insisted, as was his wont, and I stubbornly resisted, as was mine, but I eventually had to give in. I put together an application with my old resumé and personal statement. However, I also had to write a 'mission statement response' that dealt with the school's stress on morality (it is a Christian institution), which is somewhat ironic given that I'm not really a religious person. I'll have to mail that in tomorrow.

I spent much of the evening playing with Photoshop. The result is Symbolism Hitting the Student Over the Head: An Allegory, which is meant to parody large scale mythological/allegorical paintings. I think I've taken too much art history...

And here's a self portrait, which I did a few weeks back but hadn't put up until now. I originally drew it to decorate a note for Fred; it was made smaller for the note, naturally.

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