Friday, May 3, 2002

No More Classes...

Today was my last day of classes. It's a bit weird (and sad) to think that I'll never sit in an undergraduate classroom again.

Let's see... what did I do? Well, I went to class, naturally. Today was the first time my partner and I performed our Waiting for Godot scene in class; for those of you who know the play, I am Estragon/Gogo and we're doing the first few pages of the play, up past the discussion of the two thieves. There will be a final exam/performance on the 10th, so hopefully that'll go well. I'm feeling more confident about this project than past ones, though.

After class, I did some reading for a final seven page paper. It's for an 18th century art class; I am writing on Elizabeth Vigée Le Brun. I got about 50 pages in to my main source, so I feel fairly good about it. While I was reading in the coffee shop, a thunderstorm was raging outside. It was a bit distracting to read while the storm was going on, but it was also sort of nice; there's an almost hypnotic beauty to falling rain (at least when you're not outside and getting soaked).

After the storm had passed, I went to a workshop with a potential acting professor candidate, basically as a way of stroking my prof's ego and improving my grade. It was fun, though it lasted a bit long.

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