Friday, May 17, 2002

Thor's Day

I woke up late again... sigh.

When I finally came to, I went to the Campus Center and got the little plaque I ordered. You see, you are allowed to put up a plaque in your dorm room; it shows your name and the year you lived there. Since it is my senior year and I have a rather nice room, I had to get one. I put it up by one of the windows.

After that, I called Havard and the University of Chicago for an update on my status; I hadn't gotten news from either school yet. I learned that a decision hadn't been made. I'm guessing that I won't get in to either place, so I'm not keeping my hopes up.

Later in the afternoon, I got a call from a friend. We had talked earlier about meeting for dinner before graduation, and she called to see if I had the time tonight. As usual, I didn't have any particular plans, so we arranged to meet later on. The two of us went to a Thai restaurant that she had recommended earlier. Since I hadn't had Thai food before and she knew what was good there, I let her order the food. It was good, despite the fact that I don't often eat food that deviates from the rather bland norm of burgers and pizza. One thing I would like to do eventually is broaden my culinary horizons, because it's a shame that I am so limited in the things that I eat.

After dinner, we decided to go to a nearby coffee place (which, as we found out, has recently expanded and become a full-on restaurant) to have s'mores. They provide the necessary materials, including a tiny fire, and you put the smores together. It was messy, but fun. I'm glad we got to get together; I had a lot of fun, and I don't get the chance to hang out with friends often. Hopefully we'll get to hang out after graduation, as she lives in Southern California as well.

We waved goodbye and went our separate ways. After I got back to the campus, I went to the library and paid her overdue bill with the money she had given me (having just gotten back from Alabama, she was a bit tired and wanted to go to her apartment and sleep). Finally, I went back to my dorm, where I didn't do much of note, though I did receive a call from my parents and sister, who had just arrived in town for my graduation.

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