Monday, February 25, 2002


I've spent the past weekend goofing off and am sort of beating myself up over it. I really should be studying, but my heart isn't in my work right now. I did do some reading, but it's all been sort of rushed.

I think I'm going to buy some new jeans eventually; the ones that I have now are starting to feel a bit loose. It's funny... I tend to lose weight whenever I'm at college, even though I don't really think about it (at least beyond having picky eating habits). I suppose it's a combination of getting a bit more exercise and having more stress while I'm here. Maybe I should try marketing the 'stress diet' and let the cash roll in. ;)

I'm going to try and see a movie (I'm leaning towards Gosford Park, but tell me if you have any better ideas) on Saturday as a way to motivate me to get my work done earlier. Hopefully it'll work out.

Saturday, February 23, 2002

Las Flores

Today was... interesting. After finishing the RA homework, I worked on my essay, finishing just in time to go to performances. They were pretty crazy this year, with fewer 'cute' skits. The infamous 'pimp strut' was especially bizarre, with one scantily clad contestant even wearing a snake. I think a lot of people were shocked by her outfit. Anyway, after performances, the dorms all had bedtime stories. As I stated before, I read 'Make Way For Ducklings' which was less humorous than some of the other stories, but was still cute and fun to work on.

I have just gotten back from the year's big party; I usually don't really enjoy parties, but I had fun at this one. I suppose I'm usually so inhibited that I feel too stilted at parties. I've loosened up a bit though, thanks to a few glasses of champagne. I bet I'll feel very ill and/or embarrassed tomorrow, but I have to say I had a good time tonight.

Friday, February 22, 2002

The Saga Continues

Of course, on the day that Thursday class wasn't held, I got up bright and early. How typical.

Anyway, after wasting my time, I headed to the Barnes and Noble and Acme (yes, there are Acme supermarkets here, but they don't sell anvils) to get a 'bedtime story' book for tomorrow night's hell week tradition and some alcohol for trials (seniors were requested to bring some). I got 'Make Way For Ducklings' as a nod to the Saturday duck pond run. On the way, I bumped into the infamous 'Barnes and Noble Guy', who was working at the counters. Here's the BANG (don't you adore acronyms?) story... I used to go to Barnes and Noble a lot during my freshman year, but this guy who worked there kept on following me, and asking if I needed help or about the books I was looking at. Needless to say, I learned to take the longer walk to Borders eventually, and didn't see him after my sophomore year (on Halloween, appropriately enough). I figured that he eventually found a job somewhere else. Well, I bumped into him today, and he observed that I hadn't been around lately and asked whether I was a student. I tried to be polite, but it was a weird, uncomfortable situation. Heh, poor guy.

I then went to the Acme; however, I learned something about Pennsylvania state law that day. Apparently, they only allow liquor stores to sell alcohol. I guess my lack of knowledge just goes to show what a party animal I am. I didn't have the time to get the alcohol, so I just decided to let it be. I rushed back to my fencing class. Because of Hell Week, the frosh were dressed in different outfits according to their 'home dorms' (such as the Denbigh Debutantes, the Rhodes Rodents, the Rockefeller Rock Stars, and, most famously, the Pembroke East 'whore corps' - the legend is that the dorm used to be a brothel or that the women living there, uh, sold themselves to get money for the war effort). During class, one of the girls had to say a Three Musketeers line whenever the teacher uttered the word 'fencing'; she learned to spell it out pretty quickly.

Thursday, February 21, 2002

Fire And Brimstone

This morining, I talked with the Real Analysis II professor about my situation; she's allowing me to take the class on a trial basis and advised me not to drop Topology just yet. I'll be taking a (take-home) test on Friday, and if I'm up to speed with the rest of the class, I can join the class. hopefully it'll work out. I went to a session of the class as well. Considering that they're just now working on something that is bandied about like common knowledge in the Topology class, I think might be easier just to catch up in Real Analysis.

I then had my other class (Abnormal Psych) and Chorale. Since today is the beginning of the hallowed Bryn Mawr tradition of Hell Week, there were a few interruptions by frosh who had been made to perform there. The most memorable was one girl who sang a Marilyn Monroe style 'Happy Birthday Mr. President' to the Chorale director. After getting back, there was schedule copying in the dorms; it was kind of sedate compared to my first-year experience.

I then met with other dorm seniors to talk about the Trials skits. A bit of background: Thursday night trials are when the frosh are 'tried' for various quirks and faults. The sophomores push for harsh punishments, the juniors try to be nice, and the seniors are the arbitrators and also 'swear in' the tried frosh. The seniors also orchestrate the evening with a theme and 'skits'... high school is our theme this year. In accordance with the theme, the sophomores are supposed to be bullies and the juniors will be nerds. The seniors do the 'performing'. Though most of the assigning of parts took place on Sunday, when I was 'very busy' and couldn't attend the meeting, there were a few spare parts up for grabs. I ended up getting the prom king; I borrowed a suit from a hallmate (though I have to pin the pants up for them to fit properly) and made a spiffy little crown. It should be fun, and I'll have to post pictures if they come out.

Tuesday, February 19, 2002

New York!!! ... And Stuff

I had a fun Presidents' Day weekend worshipping at my altar of the Presidents in New York with Fred. Here's the story of what happened:

Since Fred's flight wasn't going to arrive until late on Saturday, I spent most of the day at Bryn Mawr procrastinating (I'll bet you didn't see that coming). At about 7, I got on the train to Penn Station in New York. When I had gone to New York before, I had taken the more efficient (but expensive) Amtrak line rather than the SEPTA and NJ transit lines. I was a tad bit nervous about getting lost, but everything was very straightforward. However, I did forget my contact lens case, so I had to get a replacement at a Penn Station pharmacy. I took a taxi to La Guardia airport and waited for a while before Fred's plane came in.

Friday, February 15, 2002

The Trek To Swarthmore And Other Tales

By some miracle, I was got up fairly early, and was able to get to my counseling appointment in time. I basically discussed my procrastination problems, and we talked about strategies to combat it. I have to work on breaking up my time better and setting firmer schedules for myself. Heh, it's a wonder I have been able to get this far given the sorry state of my study habits.

After a bit of stalling (I guess old habits die hard), I took the van to Swarthmore for thesis work; I had to get a hold of the microform copies of sources I needed. Unfortunately, microform isn't what you might call 'state of the art'... the text was blurry, particularly when I tried to print it. I had to write one of my texts ('A Tory Medley') out longhand; at least it's a source that I think I can use. In addition, the texts won't print out at a small size, so I couldn't fit a lot onto a page. I wanted to print out more, but I was running late and wanted to get back relatively early.

After getting back, I slacked a bit (I did get a bit of reading done while I was in the van, though). Later, I was able to bring myself to do a bit of reading, so I'm fairly happy with myself. Hopefully I'll be able to get the week's reading done tomorrow morning, since I'll be in New York with Fred for the rest of the weekend (yay).

I'm hoping I'll be able to be able to curb my procrastination. It's hard, since it seems that my mind is elsewhere, but I know it's a necessary thing to do.

Valentines And Such

Oddly enough, I didn't have problems getting up this morning, despite the fact that I didn't exactly get to bed early. My day was pretty normal; I went from class to class without anything of importance happening. I did get a Valentines day gift from home, though. It consisted of a picture frame and a stuffed Woodstock doll. After class, I had a Yearbook meeting; it was alright, and people seemed to like my suggestion for the section dividers.

I'm a bit worried about my Topology class; most, if not all, of the other students have a more extensive math background than I do, and, while the prof does cover the basic concepts, it's a disadvantage when it's unusual for me but old hat to everyone else. It's a shame that it's too late to transfer to Real Analysis II, where I would be on a more equal footing. I'd drop the class, except I need it for my minor, and it would be terrible for me to have to give it up just for that one class. I suppose I'll just have to be super-conscientious and take advantage of office hours and TA sessions. I wish I were less shy, because then I'd be able to benefit from group work. It'll work out (these things always do), but it's not a fun situation to be in.

In other news, I worked on (and completed) the cover/preview image for the "Castle Sturmundrang" series of my comic! I won't be posting more until I have completed the first five pages, but this'll give you guys an idea of what to expect.

Goodnight everyone!

Wednesday, February 13, 2002


I had another uneventful day; I accomplished very little during the morning and afternoon. I'm hoping to make up for it tonight.

I brooded a little this afternoon, mostly about past problems and how they continue to be manifested in my present-day behavior. I wanted to write about it, but I just couldn't, even if I restricted my entry. Even though it wasn't anything tragic, I just couldn't bring myself to write about my feelings and problems. I don't know whether it's an unconscious fear of rejection or an ingrained sense that some things should be kept bottled up, but writing down the intrinsic flaws in my character would just make me feel too vulnerable. This upset me a little bit; I know that everybody has their secrets, but I think I tend to be a bit extreme, even to the point that it's unhealthy. Self-restraint can be a good, and even necessary thing, but it's almost making me feel trapped right now. If I can't be candid about my faults to anyone, even myself, how am I supposed to confront them and become a better person?

Hopefully I'll be able to sort things out sooner or later.


The island adventure is completed!

This time, I tried getting rid of the blocky speech bubbles. The resulting look isn't perfect, but I think it's nicer than what I had. Hopefully "Castle Sturmundrang" won't be too long in coming. I think I'll be able to do a better job with it now that I've done a few comics.

Well, I'd better get to bed now.

Tuesday, February 12, 2002

Mardi Gras!

Today was a bit of a waste; I barely did anything of substance. I'm hoping I'll be better off in the next few days. In any case, I should have the opportunity to do some heavy-duty work tomorrow... if I don't sleep in too much.

Today was Mardi Gras, so my hall had a mini-parade as well as a small party with 'king cakes' and Heinekens. I had two bottles, so I'm a wee bit inebriated. I don't drink often, so I'm not really used to the feeling. Oh well. Anyways, if comic #10 looks a bit... off, you now know why.

Sniffle Sniffle

Today was another basically wasted day. I didn't wake up until 10:00... it bothers me that I seem to have blocked out my alarm recently. I called the Counseling Center this afternoon; I'm hoping that a counselor might be able to help me deal with the sleep and motivation problems before they get to be too much.

I had another journey into the comicy abyss today, finishing part 9 of the island series. Only one more until I can shift my energies onto the second story! Of course, I know I should really take a break from it. I want to finish the last part of the island comic relatively soon, but I will hopefully be able to pace myself more with the five or six pages of the second series which I have scanned. I suspect that it'll take even longer to put together (the effects are more complex, and backgrounds consist of more than just a palm tree and some sand), so I don't want to even attempt to tackle it for a while.

Ack... I'm starting to feel a little sick. Hopefully it'll go away quickly.

Monday, February 11, 2002

Happy Cheese Sunday!

Yes, today was Cheese Sunday (a Macedonian holiday)... my Simpsons calendar lists obscure holidays and celebrity birthdays in addition to all the regular holidays. Sadly, I didn't get to eat anything with cheese on it.

Late last night, I cleaned my room, a long overdue task. I was surprised to find two Cups of Noodles that I had bought over a week ago and simply forgotten. I guess that shows how slovenly I can be sometimes. In any case, my room is spic and span now.

Saturday, February 9, 2002

The Incredible Time Eating Comic!

I am in the unusual position of having done almost no work today. Sigh.

I woke up fairly late. After doing the usual web routine, I was drawn (no pun intended) to work on my evil, time consuming comic. I finished drawing the last two 'parts' of the "Island Adventure"; I'll have to scan and polish them once I have some free time. I also started on the next story, called "Castle Sturmundrang". In order that the story isn't as fragmented as the first series, I'm probably going to post it all at one time, so you guys probably won't see it for a while.

Finally, by nonexistent demand, I have put together a little behind the scenes page so that everyone can see the steps it takes to put together the comic.


After waking up and doing some comic stuff, I caught the train to downtown Philly so I could go to my Northwestern interview. It went fairly well; though I wasn't the most amazing applicant ever, I was more at ease than when I did college interviews in high school.

After the interview, I had a late lunch in the city. Oddly enough, there was a group of people lined up on a sidewalk. I think it had something to do with basketball, but I'm not completely sure.

I completed my day by finishing the comic (surprise surprise) and slacking like there was no tomorrow.

Friday, February 8, 2002

Thor's Day

I will be getting to bed any moment now, but I wanted to do a quick journal entry first.

Oddly enough, while I don't have much of a problem getting up on Tuesdays, I seem to be having trouble with Thursdays. I suppose I'll have to be easier on myself so I don't get so run down by Thursday morning.

I had my usual classes, after which I went to dinner. After a break, I went to audition for Twelfth Night. I think I did a decent job, but one never knows with these things. I guess I'll have to wait and see. I later went to a short Yearbook meeting. I'm worried, since I'm going to have to fudge on one of the spreads in order to get it in on time. Sigh...

I spent much of the evening working on the eighth part of my comic. I wish I could be as dedicated about official work as I am with these fun side projects, but I think their 'unofficial' nature is what makes them enjoyable. If I had to turn it in for a grade or someone flat out demanded that I work on it at a certain time, I wouldn't be half as enthusiastic.

Thursday, February 7, 2002

The Art of Slacking

Today was a bit of a waste. I was able to get up early this morning, but, instead of making some headway on my thesis, I devoted my time to working on comic #7 and goofing off. At least I was finally able to get my package from home (with my bulkier jackets and some of my Xmas gifts).

I later went to class and the weekly discussion session. Following that, I had dinner, did a little more goofing off, and went to Chorale. We've gone to the end of the Dies Irae in the Mozart Requiem. I can't wait until we're more comfortable singing it and can be more into it, because it's really fun to sing.

After I got back, I went to a hall tea (Note to the uninitiated: 'teas' at Bryn Mawr are usually just social gatherings; there is almost never any tea there), where people on the hall had milkshakes and watched Muppets From Space. Silly movies like that are a lot more fun when there's a group of sugared-up people giggling at the jokes in there. I had a fun time, though in retrospect I didn't really have the time to spend.

Now to get down to work...

Wednesday, February 6, 2002

Yet Another Banal Journal Entry

I've been too busy/unmotivated to update for the past couple of days, so here's the scoop:

Though it was pretty warm on Monday morning, it began to snow as I went to class later in the day. It only snowed about an inch (the grass was still visible), but it became awfully cold, especially once you added in the windchill. Later that night, I met with my thesis advisor. I slacked off a lot that evening, doing useless things like surfing random websites, and I didn't end up getting to bed until really late. Which is really bad because...

Tuesdays are long and begin early for me. I had a class at 8:30, which meant that I ended up getting around 3 or 4 hours of sleep. I did alright considering the lack of sleep, but I did get very tired during Topology. After classes, I had a short meeting with my assistant editor for yearbook. I was so tired that I ended up going to bed not too long after that, so I ended up getting a good amount of sleep.

Monday, February 4, 2002

Insomnia and Such

Last night, I had a terrible time getting to bed; I couldn't fall asleep and ended up getting up to do things, including drawing two 'parts' of my (appropriately titled) Insomnia Comics. I was eventually able to get to sleep in the early morning. After I woke up, I did some reading and scanned the three parts that I had drawn while at school. I spent most of the late afternoon polishing up the first one, though I still have to add color.

In other news, there was a group of people watching the super bowl in the lounge right next to my room. At least I wasn't trying to study, but I can't stand that much noise.

Saturday, February 2, 2002

[Insert Title Here]

Today wasn't too bad, despite my (surprise surprise) late start. True to form, I spent most of my day slacking. However, I was able to get my Psychology reading done as well as about half of the week's Art History reading, so I'm in better shape than usual. Hopefully I'll be able to get the rest of it done early tomorrow so I can relax a bit more.

And my back still hurts.

Friday, February 1, 2002

My Back Still Hurts... The Pain, The Agony... Or Something

Today was pretty much wasted; I got very little done but sit at my computer (which probably didn't help things). I also discovered that my leg muscles were sore because of my fencing class. I haven't taken PE for a while, so I guess my muscles aren't used to the exercise.

The reason I've been lazy today is that I have to do an annotated bibliography for my thesis class, and I'm too intimidated to actually get to work, even though I did a lot of the preperation in my prospectus.

In more positive news, I think my cold is finally going away. Of course, it could be the heavy-duty decongestant I got from the Health Center.