Tuesday, February 19, 2002

New York!!! ... And Stuff

I had a fun Presidents' Day weekend worshipping at my altar of the Presidents in New York with Fred. Here's the story of what happened:

Since Fred's flight wasn't going to arrive until late on Saturday, I spent most of the day at Bryn Mawr procrastinating (I'll bet you didn't see that coming). At about 7, I got on the train to Penn Station in New York. When I had gone to New York before, I had taken the more efficient (but expensive) Amtrak line rather than the SEPTA and NJ transit lines. I was a tad bit nervous about getting lost, but everything was very straightforward. However, I did forget my contact lens case, so I had to get a replacement at a Penn Station pharmacy. I took a taxi to La Guardia airport and waited for a while before Fred's plane came in.

Despite our best intentions, we got a late start the next day. Fred got his first taste of a NY hot dog, which he described as 'edible'. We walked through Central Park, went to the Temple Emanu-El, and then visited the Met. We didn't get a chance to see as much as we would have liked, but we did get to see some medieval art and a good deal of the European paintings as well as the Robert Lehman collecton. It's not a huge deal; I've already seen the Met and Fred will get another chance when he goes back. Fred has found a new favorite painter in El Greco. Later that evening we went to Katz's Deli (it's supposedly a pretty famous deli and is featured in When Harry Met Sally). After eating, we headed back to Broadway to see Rent (and were chided by the cab driver for not getting the pastrami at Katz's). True to form, we were a few minutes late and missed the opening number, but I didn't really mind. It was good just to see the performance. After it was over, we walked back to the hotel (after a brief detour).

We got another late start the next day. Once we were up, we headed to the Toys R Us on Times Square (Fred was curious about the stock and wanted to take a look at how the store was doing) and had lunch at Virgil's BBQ before packing our bags and heading back to Bryn Mawr.

We ended up getting back at around six. We decided to go to dinner, but were running slowly enough that I guessed I was going to be late for an 8:00 thesis appointment. We quickly headed back; I was late, but the meetings were running late anyways. After I got back, I got a call from my sister. She got around to seeing my comic and really liked it, but she thinks that the characters are supposed to represent different members of the family. It's news to me...

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