Friday, January 25, 2002

Getting Better All the Time...

I've been feeling significantly better today, both physically and emotionally. My cold is on it's last legs; my throat isn't sore or phlegmmy, though it's a bit dry. I've also been able to get over the mild spell of crankiness/depression I've been having lately. I talked to a few people today, which made me feel a bit less isolated even though the conversations weren't incredibly deep or anything.

I got up late after having several weird dreams. The only thing I can remember is that I was Peter Pan in one of my dreams, so I was flying around a lot. Nicely enough, I have no classes on Fridays, so I was able to have a laid back day. During the afternoon, I got an email about the drama class. It turns out that someone dropped the class, so I'll be able to take it. I now have to get a book so I can read the first chapter by Tuesday. It wasn't in my local Barnes and Noble, so I ordered it on Amazon; hopefully it'll arrive on time.

While I was in my room, a fire alarm sounded. I figured it was just a quick drill, but that it would probably be a good time to go to dinner. As I headed back from dinner, I saw a fire truck go past; it was later joined by two more. It was nothing serious, but they suspected a problem with the sprinklers. Finally, they let us back in. I called my sister, and talked to her a while. Later, I did a tiny bit of reading.

An annoying side note: my schools internet is acting up and I can't use ICQ or AIM for a while. Hopefully they'll fix it in a few days, though.

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