Tuesday, January 22, 2002

A So-So Day

Miraculously enough, I woke up in time to get to my early 8:30 class (17th/18th Century French Painting). After class, I had to do some application stuff; luckily I finished in time to go to my next class (Intro to Creative Writing). Unluckily, I got lotteried out. I wasn't surprised, though, as the department is really small and there are always a ton of people who sign up and get turned away. I was sort of annoyed that they gave frosh preference over upperclassmen, since it was the opposite in the past. I then went to Topology; it's a 300 level math, so taking it allowed me to complete my minor without taking Real Analysis II (I... didn't enjoy RA I). I then tried to take an intro. acting class; I figured it would be a nice change of pace and would be a nice distraction from my thesis. Unfortunately, there were 16 people there, and only 14 people could be in the class. Wouldn't you know it... I was one of the two given the axe. So I'll now have to find something else if I want to take five classes. Of course I could just take four classes, but I like keeping myself busy.

After cleaning my room and doing a little reading, I took a nap. I had napped for about an hour when I heard a knock at the door. It was the Yearbook co-editors, who were trying to get photos of people in their rooms. I had sort of expected them to come; otherwise I wouldn't have cleaned my room in the first place. They also asked me about designing sidebars for the color section; I'll have to work on it this weekend.

Finally, while I felt better yesterday, I'm feeling sick again. My throat is feeling really raw, and my eyes are a bit watery. Hopefully I'll get a decent amount of rest tonight.

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