Friday, January 25, 2002

Main Line Drivers...

I tried to get to bed earlier than usual... only to wake up at 3:30 AM. After going on the computer for a while, I went back to bed, where I tossed and turned before getting to sleep. I then heard the first alarm, but didn't end up hearing the second alarm and thus woke up half an hour late for my first class. I'm not too stressed about it, though. I think I needed the sleep to recover, and my throat is feeling better. I slept in until about 12:30, after which I went to Topology and a European Politics class (my replacement for the classes I was lotteried out of). The politics class seems okay, but a lot of it seems like a retread of things I've already studied. I hope it'll get more interesting.

After class, I went to the dining hall for dinner. Since nothing looked that appetizing, I went to the local supermarket for food. On the way, I nearly got hit by an SUV; when I was halfway across the street, I saw it making a left turn into the lane I was in. I shouted and ran across (fortunately the snow had cleared up, so there wasn't the danger of slipping); I think the SUV might have spotted me and slowed down as well. I can tell why Main Line drivers have such a bad reputation among students; this is my second time in less than a year when I had a brush with a car, and I wasn't being reckless or anything. The odd thing is that the incident occurred in the same exact spot as the one in May. Maybe the street isn't well lit so it's hard to spot pedestrians, or maybe it was just a weird coincidence, but I'll probably avoid that street for a while.

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