Friday, January 4, 2002

La De Da...

My vacation lasts for a few more weeks, but I'm almost ready to go back... being home has a way of making me irritable. I don't exonerate myself, since I'm not the easiest person to live around, but I have problems since I tend to keep to myself and that doesn't mesh well with living at home with my family. Though I can understand why they do it, it really bothers me when they meddle in my life. Add the limited internet access, and it can be a bit trying sometimes.

Today, I went out with my mom and sister. After getting some iced mochas, we went to a nearby supermarket and later drove over to Borders so that Chrissie could get a last-last-minute holiday gift. I spent much of this afternoon cleaning up my room (something that I really needed to do), and I'll hopefully be able to finish the rest later tonight.

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