Monday, August 18, 2003

Classes Begin

Well, today is the first day of classes. I was able to wake up early and drive down for some coffee before my first class of the day, at 9:10. Immediately before the class, I added the Admin. Law journal and dropped another class so that I could add it. I briefly considered adding a 2 unit course (which would bring me up to a grand total of 16 units), but the course I liked had an exam time that conflicted with another course, and I already have a full plate, especially if I'm going to pursue legal work outside of class and the journal. I have a meeting for the journal at 4:30, but until then I'm free to do what I'd like. I'm hoping to clean up and get some reading done, though I will probably go at a more relaxed pace so I don't burn myself out early on.

Here is my schedule. The journal hasn't decided on a permanent meeting time, but I'm hoping for something other than a Monday or Friday.
9:10-10:10 - Corporations
8:00-9:30 - Evidence
10:20-11:50 - Admin. Law
9:10-10:10 - Corporations
1:30-4:30 - Trial Practice
8:00-9:30 - Evidence
10:20-11:50 - Admin. Law
9:10-10:10 - Corporations

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