Monday, August 18, 2003

Moving In

At the moment, I am killing time while waiting for my laundry.

Classes start tomorrow, so I had to finish moving in today. I started out by going to the Coffee Bean with Chrissie, quickly going with her to her apartment, and getting some last-minute supplies at Office Depot.

I did most of my packing after lunch. After a few hours, I got everything put away and drove off to my apartment. When I finally got there, my key wasn't working, so I had to walk down the hill and up another hill (this campus is annoyingly pedestrian-unfriendly) to the housing center, where they 'fixed' my key. By the time I had trudged my way up the hill, my dad had come over to help me, and had already moved some of my stuff inside. However, my key still wasn't working, so I had to go back, this time in dad's car. The key problem was finally solved, but I was already pretty upset; moving tends to stress me out a little, and problems like that can become a focal point for that stress.

I also found one of my roommates' rooms empty; apparently she decided to live off campus instead, so her room will now go to someone on the wait list. Being somewhat stressed out and emotional from moving, I took it a little personally at first, though I didn't really see her for long enough to make a strong impression anyway. Later, I met with new roommate #2, who seemed friendly, and with my old roommate, who is also living with me this year.

There is still a lot of junk on the ground, since I haven't had the time and energy to put everything in order yet. I spent most of my time on the computer or watching TV (Turner Classic Movies had a Gene Kelly spotlight). I eventually did my grocery shopping for the next week or so, and also started on the aforementioned laundry.

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