Friday, August 15, 2003

[Too Tired to Think Up a Proper Title]

This morning, I had my annual eye appointment. It wasn't anything out of the ordinary, but these visits always take a long time; I was there for about two hours.

After leaving the eye doctor, I went over to my grandparents' house. My cousins were visiting (along with my aunt), and my sister and I played with them for a while. My sister had to leave for coaching, but I stuck around. It was good to see my cousins again, especially since it's been months since I last saw them. We played several games, particularly hide-and-seek and a bit of roleplay where they were "Chrissie" and "Jenny" (Thomas tried to claim my photo album since it was "Jenny's", and both of them pretended to leave for England). It was fun, if a little exhausting, and I think the twins had a good time.

After they left, I stayed with my grandparents for the rest of the day. Once the twins had left and things were quieter, I was able to share my photos from the trip with them. Later, we went to dinner and relaxed around the house a bit before I headed back home.

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