Thursday, October 11, 2001


I'm still in zombie mode right now from lack of sleep, so I'll try to keep this short. I'm feeling better than I did earlier, though that's not saying a whole lot. I'm hoping to catch up on sleep tonight. Fall break starts this Friday, so I'll have a little more time to unwind (though I still have to do some papers as well as prepare for the GRE and midterms).

Today I submitted some artwork to a magazine for consideration. I tried once before, but I was careless and forgot to include a self addressed stamped envelope, so it's not really a surprise that I didn't get a reply. This time I was a bit more careful. Even if the magazine doesn't want my artwork, at least I'll know where I stand.

Tomorrow night my entire dorm will have an electrical shutdown while the school fixes the power system in a nearby building... It's frustrating, but hopefully it'll force me to get some sleep.

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