Wednesday, November 28, 2001

Class and Things

Today, I got a sort of late start; I guess staying up late Sunday caught up with me. I skipped lunch (it was hot dog and onion rings day, which I hate) and went to classes. In Chaotic Dynamical Systems, we were studying fractals, and about half the class time was devoted to coloring in Sierpinski triangles. You get a ST when you take an equilateral triangle and inscribe it with an empty triangle, and take the three resulting triangles and do the same, and so forth. It looks like this:

I also got my midterm grade back... I got an A-, which I'm happy with, particularly since I knew I made some mistakes with the calculations.

I then went to film class, where I turned in my Wizard of Oz paper. We continued the discussion on experimental films, which was alright since I felt more awake than last time and they only showed portions of the more interesting films from last week.

After relaxing a little and having dinner (it wasn't good, and I ended up only having bread, cereal, and dessert), I went to the library to do some reading; I was able to finish Kruschev's 'secret speech' and the textbook chapter on the 'Thaw'.

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