Monday, November 5, 2001

Insert Title Here

This morning, I performed the miracle of actually getting up early... hurray for me! Once I felt suitably conscious, I went to the campus center and got my senior portraits done before class started. Hopefully I don't look too hideous.

After class, I managed to do a little reading before going to dinner. I met with the rest of the cast and we went to dinner. Since restaurants would be a tad pricey and nobody felt like the regular dining halls, so we ate at Batten House, where the director lives. Batten's a small pseudo-dorm that's themed towards environmental and social activism. They make (vegetarian) dinners each night, and guests are invited to drop in, so we came and had some food while we chatted with some of the residents. It was sort of an informal requirement that guests play some type of name game; we had to name our favorite vegetable (I said corn) and Ben and Jerry's flavor (cookie dough). I then went back to my room and did some more reading before heading to chat.

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