Tuesday, November 6, 2001

Classes and Things

Last night I looked at possible classes for next semester and worked on a tentative syllabus. Here it is:

Monday, Wednesday, & Friday -
Intro To Real Analysis II - A continuation of the real analysis class I'm taking this semester. I need it to complete my minor.
Abnormal Psychology - (M,W) I think this'll be an interesting class. I haven't taken much Psychology, and it seemed like one of the more interesting offerings.
Senior Seminar - (M) It's the thesis class. I wonder why I'm signing up...

Tuesday & Thursday -
17th and 18th Century Art in France - I've taken classes from the professor before, and they were pretty good. Plus, it'll be good to have an art history class.
Creative Writing - This class is very difficult to get into; I tried unsuccessfully to get into it my Sophmore year. Hopefully I'll be able to play my senior card, though.

I think the schedule is better than this semester's... I don't have more than three classes on any one day, and the bulk of classes are at the beginning of the week, so that crunch comes during the weekend when I have the time/energy to deal with it.

On to today... it was fairly uninteresting, even by my standards. I went to classes, did some reading, and surfed the web. I did get a picture of me (from Sure Thing) in the school newspaper though.

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