Monday, November 26, 2001

The Joys of Writing Long and Tedious Papers

Thanks to the tea I had, I had a great deal of trouble getting to sleep last night; while trying to get some shuteye, I ended up spending my time downloading TV off of Morpheus and mindlessly surfing the web.

I was eventually able to get a small amount of sleep. I woke up and did some work on my prospectus before going to class. After class, I ate lunch and continued work on the prospectus, though I was interrupted midway by a call from my sister. She told me about the trip that she and her friend took to San Francisco to see Lily Tomlin in the play The Search For Signs of Intelligent Life in the Universe (last year, Chrissie did a one-woman performance of the play). They were able to see Lily Tomlin after the performance; she signed their programs and took a couple of photos with them.

I finally finished my prospectus with just enough time to spare. I turned it in and had dinner, after which I kicked back a little before going to the library for a some reading. I haven't finished the reading, though; hopefully I'll be able to work on that later tonight.

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